Friday, July 27, 2007

Once upon a time....

... I used to carry condoms in my purse when I went out.
Now, I carry lens cleaners.

Lens cleaners are more useful to me nowadays.
Sad, sad, but true.

Friday, July 20, 2007


This is the cover of this month's Redbook. On the right is the original photo, on the left is the "re-touched" photo on the cover. They've "youth-anized" (my word) her!
To anyone who has succumbed to the myth that 50 year olds can look like 20 year olds, please know it's true--if you use photoshop.
Even gorgeous Faith Hill, who looks more than wonderful in real life, has to endure not looking good enough for our youth-obsessed society.
Don't kill yourself to look as thin or young as a celebrity. It's all lighting, make-up and photo manipulation.

My theory is if you feel good, you can look good!
If you're in doubt about how you feel, let someone else feel ya, and then figure it out.

(photo from

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Please GO SEE "SICKO!"

I cannot afford to stay healthy in America. I can't afford to get sick either.

If you are wealthy, have wonderful private health insurance, and don't care one tiny bit about your fellow Americans, then you're probably not interested in seeing the truth about America. Or at least you won't be interested until your insurance deems you denied for necessary treatment. Just wait, it will happen.

But the rest of you---GO SEE SICKO! , the documentary about the sad state of US healthcare and how we are dying because of it.

We are the only wealthy, industrialized nation in the WORLD that doesn't care for it's citizens by offering universal healthcare.

Our English, French and Canadian counterparts all live longer and healthier lives than we do.

We also have higher infant mortality rates than EL SALVADOR, for crying out loud. El Salvador has around a 10% per thousand rate of deaths among newborns. DETROIT HAS OVER 15% !!!!!!!

I am ashamed of our government. Democrats and Republicans alike should be ashamed of themselves!
Return to a nation FOR the people, BY the people and OF the people.
As it is, we are in the hands of lobbyists.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Sopranoed, and I wasn't even a fan....

"Being Sopranoed" has spawned into further meanings.
The one that hits closest to home for me is abruptly stopping in the middle of starting something and suddenly disappearing.

It's happened to me a few times in the past couple years with relationships.
I don't remember it happening before this. Why it's happening is what mystifies me.
The hardest to understand was a bi-weekly dating, close to daily emailing, phone a few times type relationship between me and a man I'd met from Craigslist. It was one of those instant attractions. That rarely happens for real, right?

This man and I got along famously, laughing at the same things, same sense of morality, good feelings about ourselves and others; it was fun and exciting to date him. He seemed to respond as if he felt the same, except sexually.
Sexually, we got turned on but it was never a strong desire on his part to take me in all ways. I know achieving real intimacy takes time, so I was being patient. We had been dating for three months.
Gosh, we had the best dates....comedy club, in his motorhome, movies & cooking at home, chocolate martini's, pedi-cab rides, just standing in a bar drinking beer.... it was easy to feel good.

And then, after a Saturday morning chore-date where he helped me cut a tree from my yard, he hugged me (we were both covered in sawdust and un-kissable), asked me to call him on the fourth while he was driving home from another city, and left.
I called and he called and we talked two or three times on the fourth. Then I never heard from him again.

I know he's alive so that's not it.

He just stopped. Not even a good-bye.

He Sopranoed me.