It’s pouring outside. The rain is coming down big, fast and hard.
Within five minutes of looking out my window at the rain, I saw one jr high kid walking home from school with a huge backpack, and another walk out of his house, get on his bike and ride down the street as he does every school day.
Both boys were hooded against the rain. Both were soaking wet almost surely within a minute. The kid on foot was alternately jogging in discomfort and walking in dejection.
I tried to remember the last time I got soaked by a rainstorm. I couldn't.
I thought about stepping outside and getting soaked, for the fun of it.
But the kids didn’t look like they were having fun.
I thought of the kitchen painting I wanted to start today, and how I’d have to change clothes and shoes once I got wet.
Getting soaked might be fun, but inconvenient. Like outside sex.
Is that a sign of getting old?
Now that it’s passed, I wished I'd done it.